Our Pastor, Reverend James Scott is a good man. A man of the cloth for 25 years, he was born and raised in Lancaster, South Carolina before enlisting in the United States Army. Upon completing his time in service, he returned home from abroad and did what most young men in that day and time did. He ran from his first calling to preaching by switching churches only to find that God had that same destiny waiting for him at his new church.
Studying theology and becoming God's servant is his passion as he has dedicated his life to spread the word of God and assisting Jesus in saving souls. He also is a very sincere family man as well as a successful business man, owning several stores and companies over the years. His particular style and personality is very unforgettable but most importantly, he is a man of his word. Come out to hear his no nonsense approach at any of Centennials many events or church services.
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