Meet the mother of our church, Luela Foster. Everyone lovingly calls her Mama Lue but not only at Centennial because she is also known as the mother of New Town, the Lancaster neighborhood that she lives in. She says she likes all different kinds of food, her favorite color is blue and when she turns on the TV, she likes "All My Children". Being an eighty-eight year old dynamo isn't easy but she make it look that way because she still enjoys cooking and cleaning her own house. Mama Lue really takes pride in her home and believes that when she purchased it while making only $35 per week, it was not only a blessing but one of her greatest accomplishments.
She grew up on a farm and had several jobs tending cows, washing clothes, and working in the fields picking and chopping cotton. She now has five living children that include two girls, Betty and Linda, plus three boys, Gene, Rick, and Randy. Her son Ed has passed away. Mama Lue has five grandchildren and countless great grandchildren. She encourages not only all her family but everyone to get in the Church and serve the Lord because He can open doors that no man can close and close doors that no man can open.
She has the most fun at church which is probably why she has been a member of Centennial longer than she can remember. She has served on the Missionary Board, as an usher and on the choir. Mama Lue has several favorite songs such as "By and By" and "A Few More Years" but says that she will be happy when Sister Annie Belle returns to help her sing those songs. The pastor may be the head of the church but Mama Lue is definately the heart. Come see her sometime.